The painter and engraver Carlo Bertè is not only a client of Barbieria Colla, but also a friend of Franco Bompieri who says:

Text taken from Presi per i capelli by Franco Bompieri (Mondadori 2000)
« Carlo Bertè paints driven by a light that always accompanies him. It is the light of the soul that leads him to paint skies that go beyond the canvas. His paintings speak of dreams that seem to come out of that Po Valley fog where he was born. It is a painting that seems to melt and just as it melts it takes shape. His art is serious, sincere, made up of wonderful emotions and love.
While I cut his hair (few in truth) we spend some time talking about art. For him the artists are all good, never in the many years that we have known each other have I heard him criticize the work of a colleague. He is a shy man, but a profound connoisseur of art.
He told me one day: “Don’t stop just to look at the paintings, listen to them!” ».