Shaving soap: how to use it

Shaving soap is an invaluable ally of all those who wish to achieve a gentle shave, greatly limiting the risk of causing cuts and irritation. Its function is to generate enough lather to facilitate the passage of the blade, leaving the skin perfectly smooth.

Although shaving soap is less common today than practical lather, the benefits that derive from its use are considerable, especially in terms of well-being and hydration. The soap, in-fact, is able to transform shaving into a pleasant and relaxing routine, mitigating the aggressive action of the razor and preventing redness thanks to the combined action of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that boast a gentle emollient effect.

Shaving steps with shaving soap

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Shaving soap creates the ideal conditions for shaving, respecting the characteristics of the most sensitive skin. In order to use it, it is necessary to have a special shaving brush, which must be inumidated thoroughly in warm water. Here is the procedure in detail:

  • fill a bowl with warm water and let the brush soak for a few minutes to soften the bristles;
  • wring out the brush to remove excess water, leaving the bristles damp but not dripping;
  • rub the brush over the soap in fine circular motions and apply the lather to the face, making continuous circular motions until it forms a white, thick, creamy mousse;
  • proceed with shaving.

Alternatively, it is also possible to use a shaving bowl in which to lay a large enough flake of soap, dipping the wet brush into it.

Shaving soap also in cream form

Sapone da barba in crema

Antica Barbieria Colla has also created a convenient cream solution for those who want to take advantage of the practicality of a ready-made product, and, of course, of the highest quality. The Almond Oil Shaving Cream, prepared according to the original 1945 recipe, protects and softens the skin thanks to the action of unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, creating the perfect conditions for shaving. Moreover, it reduces redness due to its soothing effect.

Discover all shaving products on the Antica Barbieria Colla online shop!